Without hesitation he replied Gore Vidal.
Gore Vidal, author, playwright, political figure, historian, truth-teller, agent provocateur and commentator whose novels, essays, plays and opinions were stamped by his wonderful immodest wit and unconventional wisdom, died a few days ago in Los Angeles.
You can read about this great man here.
He was a contemporary of Norman Mailer and Truman Capote. He was an arch enemy of conservative William F Buckley Jr and
friends with others like John F Kennedy and Tennessee Williams.
Thankyou Mr Vidal...

For those readers in the United States PBS had a great show on Mr Vidal from a couple of years ago that greatly expanded my appreciation for him. They have it posted on their web site since his death
and I hope the link works. Not sure if it is available outside of the states.
To your list of his accomplishments add historian and repository of a vast amount of knowledge. He will be missed by many.
Thanks for that Ches...