If you're parked up in the vicinity
of The Flying Tortoise, freedom camping in a remote and beautiful part of New Zealand, you might feel more secure knowing that a portable life saving defibrillator unit is close at hand.
Those who suffer a cardiac arrest and can get help within six minutes have a seventy five percent chance of living.
Which is better than the alternative.
You may well be inspired to do a refresher course or if you've never done one,
a course on CPR.
You'll even find a 'How to' video
here and
That way, if the shit does hit the fan for any one of us close by, you can take an active part in helping save a life. And that I'm told, gives a person a great feeling.
The Flying Tortoise is one of just a very small number of homes on wheels that has an on-board defibrillator.
They're not cheap but at around two thousand dollars, they're not expensive either.
It might be time to consider just how much your life is worth or that of your partner's.
You may very well think that a heart attack won't happen to you.
You might be right. Or wrong.
Heart disease is the number one cause of death not only in New Zealand but globally.
This blog is as you know, an advertising free zone but I'm going to make an exception for this product.
You might like to have a look
here. HeartSaver NZ Ltd owners Mike and Helen Mander have been incredibly helpful while I was thinking about this not inconsiderable purchase.
I'm delighted to recommend them to you.
This AED has a five year guarantee and is I can see, very easy to use. The voice prompts will take the stress out of a potentially fraught situation. All the user needs to do is follow the instructions.
An international Good Samaritan protection clause means you will not be held liable if it all goes pear shaped.
I had a triple by-pass twenty six years ago.
It was time to give something back.
Having this AED might save a life.
It could be a strangers. It may be mine.
It might be yours...