Thursday, April 1, 2010... Reliable Sources indicate there are meaningful discussions taking place with the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) about one continuous Solar Sausage to be laid the length of New Zealands State Highway One. Taps would be positioned every five hundred meters to enable travellers to have hot water to shower with or for cups of tea when they stop along the route.
The Thames Coromandel District Council are also keen on laying a Sausage all the way from Thames to Colville to enable travellers without hot water to wash up and shower after using new roadside toilets this innovative and forward thinking council are planning to position along this much travelled and popular overnight stopping place.
The Automobile Association (AA) welcome this creative initiative and say it's another benefit for the road user.
The New Zealand Motor Caravan Association

(NZMCA) would like vehicle wash stations installed every 5 kilometers along the Solar Sausage. A spokesman said "It's so our members can keep their motorhomes clean and pristine and make sure the considerable financial investments in their tupperware containers on wheels, also known as wheely bins, are protected".
"It will add to the clean green image of New Zealand" says a spokesperson for the Prime Minister who is also the Minister of Tourism.
The Mad Butcher thinks it's a great idea and wishes he'd thought of it first.
The government has confirmed that it is looking for tenders to create giant pylons that will suspend the giant Solar Sausage above Cook Strait. The Solar Sausage will be approximately 2000 kilometers long and will be funded by the ratepayers of the new supercity, Auckland.
Madelaine Jeykell from Reginald Hydes office who is the Minister of Dance and Spending Other People's Money said "The Auckland ratepayers are being screwed for everything else, they won't even notice it".
Watch this space.