Up till now, stand-up paddle boarders have had the option of a stable solid board or an easily transportable inflatable.
Each being desirous of the other's features.
The Origami Paddler, is designed by Tim Niemer, the man who invented the sit-on-kayak and founded Ocean Kayaks back in the 1970's and is a new option that transports easily while giving a solid platform to ride on.
The board works using clever locking hinges. Just unfold it, float it and ride it.
It's that easy.
Paddle over here for a closer look...

ReplyDeleteI'm not that clever but I would like a fold up kayak.
With my luck it would fold up when I am trying to get away from some hungry sharks.
ReplyDeleteJesus! walking on waters not like it was in the good old days.
DeleteIs there no end to the extruded plastic rubbish mankind will produce to destroy this delicate and vulnerable planet just to satisfy his whims.
ReplyDeleteJesus! walking on what is not what it used to be.
Lordy lord build me a corrical out of whillow and hides and keep your petrified rain forests deep in the ground where they belong.
Maybe I'm being a bit deep here...Maybe mankind is living in the age of the "whim".It seems even ecology and self sustainability is a consumer industry. There is a breed of "now" age hippie's that think you can buy the dream in the form of a convenient yellow suitcase. What ever next?
DeleteIt comes at a price in which our beautiful planet pays dearly.
All you people commenting on mans whims and material needs from your computers and wifi. We are all to blame in more ways than we know.
ReplyDeleteYes yes yes. I agree. It's wonderful to get a response! At last! I'll not bore you with the journey of my many times recycled over computer, although I could write a book about it. It's just a tool of communication to spread awareness and idea's which has it's merrits.
DeleteMillions of electrons were extremely inconvenienced in sending this massage, but NO trees were cut down.
I don't think we should be blaming our selves. We should just be aware of our every step we take and take them with sensitivity and joy.