Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Three Things Happen...

I know I'm supposed to do something today.
I wonder what it is.
Oh well, I'll wander down to the beach,
lie in the sun and get some Vitamin D.
Or is it C?
Perhaps it's E...
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  1. Your funny...I think " D " is from the sun..I am sure " C " goes well with Rum and " E " is a mystery to me! I will need to investigate..

  2. Thankyou Frann, I'm now at an age where I need guidance in some matters. I think. Or perhaps I don't...

  3. Keith, it is too late to guide you now. . . Isn't great to be able to just not do anything?

  4. I'm 32 and forget stuff. I have no chance when I'm 64.

    "Will you still need me, will you still feed me,
    When I'm sixty-four" - The Beatles
