Monday, October 11, 2010

Outhouse. Arthouse...

My friend Ben Beemsterboer is an extraordinary artist and craftsman who works his particular type of magic with wood, metal and ceramics.
This is a wonderful 'Brick Outhouse' he made as an installation at a local Sculpture Garden...
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  1. If he emptied all those bottles, he would really be in need of an outhouse. Very nice. I do like the design, it is a beautiful place to go. . .

  2. I've met this guy, he is a genius.

  3. He is an amazing talent. I shall post more of his work...

  4. Beyond a doubt the nicest bottle wall I have ever seen. Given the nature of an 'out house', is there some method to empty it, since a brick one would be difficult to move. Or,is it merely for decoration and not use... ?

  5. Hi Shadowmoss. This little 'outhouse' does have a flushing toilet...
