Thursday, July 30, 2015

Walter James Palmer. Minnesota Dentist, Family Man, Vile Human Being And Killer Of Cecil, Zimbabwes Most Famous Lion...

Minnesota dentist, family man, killer and vile human being Walter James Palmer really likes his patients to have nice white teeth.
He also really likes to shoot big game animals.
With his high powered bow and arrow.
Walter James Palmer can be seen
in numerous photos with his 'trophies'
that he's shot around the world.
He's just killed Zimbabwe's most famous and much loved lion Cecil, by luring the magnificent beast out of the protected national park into the open where he could 'legally' shoot it.
And he did. There's an update here.
If it was legal Walter James Palmer, Minnesota dentist, family man and vile human being,
somebody might really like to shoot you...


  1. Lets see how you like it tooth boy. The hunt is on!!!

  2. He thought this was a good idea?

  3. What effing century does this clown think he's living in? Big game trophy hunting should be treated like the colonialist anachronism it is and decently put down.


  4. P.S. - Why can't he take up yachting and go look for some cyclones to sail around in? Bungee jumping with an 80 foot cord on a 79 foot drop? Skydiving with rip cord optional? The sporting possibilities are endless, and he sounds like the perfect candidate.


  5. I think it's clear he wasn't thinking about the s***storm of criticism his act would evoke. I don't fault him for legal hunting - he had a permit, after all. Poaching, luring game off the NP or game preserve, those are all criminal acts. Sadly, it won't be Dr. Death that pays the price, but his guide no doubt will lose his livelihood and spend time at the territorial prison. And So It Goes.

  6. As distasteful as I find this man I find the public hysteria even more so. In this last week alone we have seen ISIS training child executioners, the planned Parenthood scandal and stories of the mass deaths of migrants and refugees in the Mediterranean. Yet the press and public obsess not over such death and destruction but the killing of a solitary lion. What's more we have idiots like anon above advocating death for this man, undoubtedly whilst chowing down on a factory farmed chicken sandwich. Some even go further in actually calling for his murder.
    It is a sign of how sick western society has become when the basic empathy for fellow mankind comes below the feelings for one animal.
    Since Mugabe came to power at least 300,000 people have simply disappeared, murdered for opposing him or having land or possessions wanted by his cronies. But that's just fine by everyone.........

    1. It's possible to be actively outraged over more than one issue - without others assuming the rest are being overlooked.

    2. *Applause!* Granted, the lion issue is terrible, but the outrage over this vs. other issues Ro mentioned has me scratching my head again, like I did less than a month ago when it was sex change acceptance (Jenner) vs. "race change" outrage (Dolezal). Apparently I just don't get it.

    3. I agree with IslandWomen MJ - you can be outraged over more than one thing. The outrage over Cecil's death is justified by the fact the culprit may just face a court in Zimbabwe. No one is ignoring the other atrocities in the world.

    4. Agreed. I shake my head so often during the day. Killing is truly savage of any animal, human or otherwise. We have so much hate and wild drama out and about

  7. A couple of other points to keep in mind here too is that as long as countries like China and others continue to buy /demand ivory then poaching which is obscenely rampant upon elephants, is on a scale far greater than trophy hunting and people should be as up in arms over the the plight of the 100 elephants which are killed each day , often leaving motherless babies behind or recent case of baby elephants ripped from their mothers and sold to China to be used for god knows what. I largely blame the media for not reporting these things ~ . And as "Ro" stated, the same folks getting very angry (and I am one of them, because this so called 'sport' is not a sport nor ethical, moral in any way and think trophy hunting should be banned , period.) but like Ro, I feel it is equally important not to lose sight of the bigger picture in which the lives of millions of animals are made miserable in factory farms every day (where most people buy their food from and never question for a second how it was raised/produced) The mainstream media NEVER addresses this taboo subject . As far as the horrors perpetrated by terrorists and dictators , I am not sure what we as individuals are able to do and I am sure many people find these atrocities horrific ~ Everyone I know, finds these groups and dictators vile and would gladly rid the earth of such things but how do we, apart from express our condemnation of such things do more than that? I don't think the mainstream media ever truly reflects what people feel and think, because for them it is all about money ," entertainment "and skimming the surface of things ~ not in depth reporting~ it is only the sensational story at the current moment in time they focus on, then move on to the next. I think what most people are so disgusted and shocked by, in this instance ( baiting and torturing re: the lion wounded and suffering for 40 hrs before being killed) is learning (and for the first time for lots of people I would guess) that there are people who actually derive pleasure from killing, view it as a noble and heroic act, pose grinning with the dead corpse, cut off it's head to mount on their den wall so they can proudly brag to all their equally depraved buddies, about what a man they are , this is what most people find incomprehensible. For me there is something deeply wrong about killing for 'fun' /pleasure.and profit. I think it is encouraging that people do find that viewpoint intolerable and inherently wrong . There are always some folks who take things over the top however and invalidate the positive intelligent argument, but I think we should always find the taking of a life abhorrent except when there is no other recourse or for the health concerns or having to control numbers of an animal population but done swiftly and mercifully. The last point I would like to make is that eco-tourism, photos safaris for wild animals ect ,actually garners far more sustainable revenue , keeps more local people employed over the long term, (even of the obscene amount of 55 thousand and upwards ,) than a one time fee to destroy an animal. We can no longer afford to lose more wildlife with 100's of animals being made extinct in just the last 40 to 50 years alone and so many more threatened by man in one way or another. I would just ask that people make themselves truly informed, read , ask questions and not rely on the mainstream media alone. If nothing else good comes from this than the raised and expanded awareness of the plight of our animals and planet in general , then I can take some measure of comfort. There are many fine organizations trying to work to protect wildlife as well as change factory farming and other issues~ if you really want to make a difference please make a donation or share your time and skills with one.

  8. "What's more we have idiots like anon above advocating death for this man, undoubtedly whilst chowing down on a factory farmed chicken sandwich."

    No one is going to be executed on account of what was written on this blog. I was under the impression that posters here were in the habit of making their point without engaging in ad hominem attacks upon one another.

    As to the rest, Bo's point about misplaced hysteria is well taken. So far I haven't heard of this incident anywhere except here. Certainly there are more pressing humanitarian problems in the world, although I wouldn't brush off the threat to various endangered species too lightly. Very likely Mugabe is still killing people. I wonder how Bo is proposing to save them, or the victims of the atrocious IS, other than by insulting people he disagrees with, and spuriously speculating about what he imagines to be their preferred articles of diet?

  9. Of course it is, but to obsess over the life of one creature is not normal, for the media frenzy, for the ridiculous comments, it is neither normal or sane.

  10. I am sorry Val but you are wrong. The internet is alive with comments not onky wishing for this man's death, as anon does above, but aslo actively calling for his murder. A few seconds internet searching would put that to rest.
    My comment over the sandwich was to point out the sheer hypocrisy of such commenters. I think you protest too much, perhaps I have hit a nerve.
    As for Mugabe I have been actively opposing him for decades, including funding his opposition.
    Again on comments I often note how many rail against the awful Americans and their arms industry whilst failing utterly to notice that IS, Mugabe, Saddam, Assad, the sudanese militias and pretty much every oppressive regieme and terror group are supplied overwhelmingly by Russia and China.
    I guess some people only like the trendy causes.
    As for protecting endangered animals, I did bit and took a bullet to the groin in 1988 whilst pursuing poachers in Kenya. That came from a Russian made AK47 too.....

  11. THIS ---->
