Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Flying Tortoise Talks Tiny House Living On Television New Zealand Tonight...

Well known TV personality and one of the three hosts for TVNZ's new Seven Sharp programme, Alison Mau, came to Tokerau Beach the other day to film an interview with me for a programme about living large in small spaces.
And amongst other things, downsizing - the big trend in living smaller, self sufficiency, and how to live well on a small income.
It was a fun day with The Far North turning on stunning weather for Ali, Paul the shows producer and Richard the sound recorder and cameraman.
They tell me the programme's looking great and it will go to air at seven sharp tonight.
I've got my fingers crossed that the segment will be more than a gratuitous look at the subject and give the topic some decent airtime.
The programmes job is of course to entertain, inform and inspire.
It's been unkindly slated by reviewers and armchair critics so I hope they produce something better than they have over the first two days of the programmes life.
You're now able to view it by going here.
It's very brief so try not to blink...

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  1. Congratualations Keith! Thats Awesome hope it all turns out well for you....

  2. Cool! I don't have TV so looking forward to the link to watch on internet....

  3. Go Keith! We'll definately be watching with all ears!

  4. Not only are you a blog star, but now you are a TV star!!!

  5. I'll be riveted to my set...I know it will be a great show!.

  6. Good work Keith, will tune in..

  7. I wish it could be seen here in chilly Denmark..


    That's the link.

  9. Wow! You do look and sound good as usual...sorry we didn't hear more of you. Your environments are wonderful.

  10. I saw the programme... And the short glimpses of you. I found it very disappointing as you have such a wealth of knowledge and experience to share.

  11. I've just discovered your blog and watched the show... how disappointing that I didn't get to see and hear more of you because what you had to say made so much sense to me. Keep up the great blog and I'll be back again :)
