It's Diana and Michael's 'Innermost House'.
Kent Griswold featured it recently on his Tiny House Blog after he'd been to visit. He was impressed with his new friends delightful solution to getting away from it all.
It's only 144 square feet. The living room is 7 feet x 12 feet and is 12 feet high.
Don't you love all the natural wood.
There 's no electricity and all cooking and water heating happens in the fire place.
It doesn't look that efficient to me but evidently it does the job .
Diana is an 'inspirational speaker' on the pleasures of 'the simple life' of which there are many...

I love the idea of it as well...but where would I process all my soap for my customers. Guess if you don't have a job that requires constant physical labor, this would be a great retreat, in another life perhaps! My lil' pink shack serves it's purpose well, I need no more or no less...have a wonderful holiday from Iowa, USA!