Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Beautiful Gypsy Style New Zealand Housebuses...

Just a few delightful details from some Gypsy style New Zealand housebuses.
There's so many. But too, so few.
One day there'll be a book published  dedicated to these beautiful Bohemian homes on wheels...

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  1. So why don't you put together said book?

  2. They are beautiful all right. The book will be a delight to read. I hope it does happen... one day.

  3. These pictures make me happy to be alive.

    Craft + Love.


  4. The book is already out , "Home Free" 'Housetrucking in New Zealand' by Fiona Cunningham, photos by Chris Hoult.
    isbn 1 86941 2311

  5. I know it well Dusty, thankyou, I'm delighted to own a copy, it's hard to get. I featured it on the blog sometime ago.
    Perhaps it's time, while these beautiful trucks and buses are still on our roads, to do another...
    It would require a nation-wide road trip finding and photographing them which would be fun. I'm thinking about it. What do you think?

  6. Nation wide road trip .... Oh yeah, that's a cool idea, could take a few years to get them all ..... :)

  7. Thank you for your kind words on my book `Home Free' I can certainly recommend travelling and photographing housetrucks, you meet a great bunch of people, some of whom remain friends for life.
    Cheers Dusty
    Chris Hoult.
    PS I still have a few copies of my book for sale but unfortunately they are the last.

    1. Hello Chris, read your comment where you mentioned that you have a few copies of your book, I am interested ph 0221505500.
      Do the trip, take the photos, share the experience.

