Friday, October 25, 2013

Here's A Simple, Smart And Efficient Composting Toilet You Can Easily Make Yourself...

Excrement isn't a subject that most of us talk about around the dining table.
I know politicians talk shit anywhere anytime but this voiding business is something that can't be, well, avoided. Most of us deal with it daily.
Walt Barrett has come up with his own version of a simple composting toilet that is easy for the DIY person to make.
It's eco friendly and inexpensive too.
Check it out here at Tiny House Blog.
Another opportunity to think outside the square...

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  1. Great information. Have to keep it in mind for when I move into my rolling home.

  2. Yes indeed, most of us deal with it daily - and that's if we're lucky!

    A good and timely post. I was just thinking about how to equip the live-aboard boat I wish to build with proper sanitation. I'll have to bookmark this one.

  3. This is very close to what I built to use on my small sailboat. Been using it for four years now.

    1. I have long wondered, how does a boatie manage a compost heap? do you have compost heap somewhere ashore, handy to empty the buckets on a regular basis? Or do you somehow keep a compost heap on the boat?

  4. How interesting. I have a waterless composting toilet in my bus. It works well as long as I keep the liquids and solids separate. For the composting material I use peat, one of the materials Walt Barrett suggests. It cost a lot more than this DIY project though!

    1. It is encouraging to read the notes here from people who are successfully composting :) and freely discussing the #1s & #2s... I've yet to find anything on a subject perhaps even more taboo- #3's (ladies needs) have you any info on how to manage this with the composting?

    2. ah, found an answer + 99 other things one can compost here:
