Monday, July 1, 2013

A Man And His Shed...

My friend Steve has a huge grin on his face.
He's happy as a pig in the proverbial.
His life and pleasures are simple.
Steve's in his man shed.
His shed doesn't have a roof.
It has the sky overhead.
And if it rains, well, his shed leaks.
It doesn't have any walls either.
To move his shed he simply packs up his bits and pieces and takes off to his next preferred piece of paradise.
But in the meantime there's dinner to cook and contemplations to consider...

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  1. Now that is the size shed we all should want.

  2. The best 'man shed' I've ever seen. Any females allowed?

  3. His needs and his wants seem to be pretty well covered! Good man.

  4. cool looks good and is almost as big as mine ha ha
