Sunday, July 21, 2013

Larry And Dave Love Taking Their Children For A Walk...

Larry and Dave are such good, caring and devoted fathers who wouldn't let anything or anyone harm their kids.
And they welcome the opportunity to spend quality time with them.
They're such loving and considerate husbands too, giving their wives a much needed break from the demands of their toddlers.
Now look after your fathers both mothers jokingly told their little ones as they left for a stroll on Sunday afternoon...
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  1. Now why didn't I think of that when my boys were little?

  2. Wierd! Where on earth did you find that photo? Did you take it locally? :-)

    1. Can't tell you sorry Liz.
      You know, these days one needs to protect the children's right to remain anonymous...

  3. Gosh... I'm glad I'm not one of those children...Could be construed as abuse.

  4. One of my daughters when she was little loved being upside down like a bat! We had to be careful carrying her because she used to throw herself backwards with great glee! Peraps it's because we have monkeys in our ancestry!
