Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Joys Of Peace And Freedom Of Choice...

I realise how fortunate I am, how lucky to be freedom camping at Tokerau Beach in New Zealand's Far North.
As I've said before, it's one of the most beautiful places on the planet.
We've just recently enjoyed the winter solstice and a period of short days and long nights.
There's been the usual storm or two but as you can see, there's been calm, sunny,
summer-like days too.
No matter the weather, nature's beauty nourishes my soul and provides a buffer and a stark contrast to the storms of man's inhumanity to man that prevails in much of this so called civilized world.
Where others are protesting to pursue their own preferred way's of life, peace and freedom of choice...

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  1. As your photos so clearly point out, there are worse places to be.


  2. I know just how you feel, brother. The storms are getting bigger everyday.

  3. Some people sure have to fight hard for the freedom that we in New Zealand tend to take for granted. I am often very thankful that I was born here.
