Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Tiny Home In A Dumpster...

Wandering as I do around some weird and wonderful neighbourhoods and interesting sites, this tiny home in a dumpster bin caught my eye over at Tiny House Swoon.
It was built by Gregory Kloehn as a bit of a challenge to see how luxurious he could make it. You can see more about it here, and there's a video to take you on a guided tour.
To some it could well be luxury living.
It has a roof and it's weather-proof.
It's got a stainless steel kitchen, an outdoor barbeque, an awning, a toilet of course and will you look at the outdoor shower set-up.
I'm not sure about the location location location but that could change and no home would be complete without a flower garden...

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  1. How do they keep people from dumping in it, and more importantly,how do they keep the garbage trucks from picking it up and dumping it?

  2. I get a kick out of some of the places people live in on the Tiny House Blog.

  3. Very good blog post I love your site keep up the great posts.

  4. A great blog and interesting posts. I particularly enjoyed this post... I went on a tour and watched the video... A most informative journey.
