Monday, October 15, 2012

When You're Seriously Serious About All-Terrain Freedom Camping...

When you've made up your mind to leave home. When you're seriously serious about getting away from it all and partaking in some real
freedom camping.
When you want to leave the tarseal to the timorous and really get self sufficient, then you'll want an all-terrain motorhome.
On second thoughts, motorhome isn't quite the right turn of phrase but you know what I mean.
These machines will take you anywhere.
Should you want to go there. And back...

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  1. Wow!!! I think they are great, but I have a hard enough time getting my wife to go in mine so it may be impossible to get her in one of those (grin).

  2. I love these! I think the last one (Whatthehellisthat...?) has now been shortened a bit?

    1. I thought it had been made longer, so it can also accomidate spare wheels on the side without looking to cramped.

  3. Where does one go to buy one of these? I'd like to see the showroom for any of those lines!

  4. You know, some of those might even go most of the places that a Westfalia VW Combi camper will.

    John Welsford

  5. I know the previous owner of the yellow Volkswagen Syncro 4WD from Germany.
    The last trace I heard of was in the US.
