Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Have You Ever Heard Of A Dog-Trot House...

I'd heard of a dog-house and have been there often, but a dog-trot house?
Evidently, a dog-trot house, also called a breezeway, a dog-run or a possum-trot house was a style of house common throughout the south eastern United States in the late
nineteenth century.
It consisted of two cabins connected by a passageway under a common roof. One cabin would have been used for cooking and eating, the other for living and sleeping.
This little modernist dog-trot house in Ramseur, North Carolina, is a reincarnation of the Zachary House designed by architect Stephen Atkinson some years ago.
The cladding is corrugated iron or 'wrinkly tin' as the two owners, Terri Moffitt and Aushalom Caspi, both psychology professors at Duke University, like to call it. The same as they saw used extensively in New Zealand when they were conducting research in this country.
The interior of this little house is very minimalistic and beautiful and by no means a dog-house...

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  1. Wrinkly tin! What a lovely term, much more romantic than corrugated iron! I love the little house too. No doubt, some ideas for my boat to be built soon!

  2. Reminds me of the seaside batches which were two army huts with an entrance way between them. No wrinkly tin cos of steel shortages! Usually tarpaper waterproofing.

  3. Even before that the kitchen was often housed in a separate building so if it burned down at least you wouldn't lose the whole house. Plus in the summer it kept the rest of the house cooler because the oven wasn't right there.

    1. Thanks Maria, it's a good idea but not one you see used much these days...

  4. I have seen it on the coast in Michoacan, Mexico, the hammocks go nicely in the center!
