Saturday, April 18, 2015

Here's An Easy Way To Peel Hard Boiled Eggs In Just A Few Seconds. Or Even Less...

Here's an easy way to peel hard boiled eggs in seconds and get perfect results every time.
Take a glass, half fill it with water, drop in the egg, put your hand over the top of the glass so the water doesn't spill, vigorously shake the glass from left to right or is it right to left, for ten seconds, remove the egg and the shell will be ready to just fall off.
If you don't believe me there's a 28 second video here showing you eggsactly how to do it...


  1. Great, just in time for making egg salad. Will try it tomorrow.

  2. Looks good, but is it as much fun as blowing the egg out of its shell?

    1. If you can blow hard boiled egg out of its shell, Sixbears, I want to see the video!

  3. This is a great idea and works well BUT the eggs need to be free range. After trying the process with plain supermarket eggs, the shell had a thick layer of egg white on it that could not be removed while the free range shells just about flew off the egg. You can't cut corners with Mother Nature. If you rely on her, she'll always give you the best including what's under the peel.

    1. Wonderful! I'm glad the method worked for you.
      Thanks Suzy...
