Thursday, October 2, 2014

Warning. You Are About To Have An Accident...

Cyclist please note.
You are about to ride into a pole.
Isn't it amazing the lengths bureaucrats will go.
To be stupid...


  1. I hope this is just a joke but I'm afraid it might not be.

  2. There was a cycle lane in my town which was all of about 10ft long with a sign at the start, an end sign and painted lines on the ground. Bureaucrats everywhere!

  3. Obviously designed to encourage Pole dancing for Cyclists. Complete with their bikes of course. Posted by Bee

  4. If the waning sigh was not there, there would be no reason to warn the bikers. You can't fix stupid!!

  5. The mind boggles Keith !

  6. Being stupid is one thing but being stupid while using taxpayer's money to do it is a horse of a different color. This kind of thing happens all over the world. Here in Hungary the bureaucrats like to change the names of streets, squares and parks every once in a while depending on their political bent at the moment. Is this a realistic and necessary spending of taxpayer's money when at least a quarter of the population's children spend the day hungry? Often the only meal they have is the meager lunch they get at school if their school happens to have a lunch program. Stupidity comes in a great many variations.

  7. As a paid Pole lobbyist and spokesperson, I feel your article puts poles on the wrong side of the fence and opens the gate for more misunderstanding.
    We will continue to stand and stick up for our rights.

  8. We have a lot of deer that occasionally venture into yards or roads. City posted a sign, "Deer Crossing" to warn drivers to be cautious. A young couple bought a house on this street & the young bride called City Hall to inform them that there was a good bit of traffic in this location & it was not a good place for the deer to cross.You all are right! You can't fix stupid!
