Monday, October 27, 2014

The Incredible Typewriter Art Of Severe Cerebral Palsy Sufferer Paul Smith...

Paul Smith was born in Philadelphia in 1921 with severe spastic cerebral palsy.
In his lifetime he couldn't dress or feed himself.
It took him sixteen years to learn to speak to be understood. It took him more than thirty years to learn how to walk.
Do we have problems. I don't think so.
This man had a passion for art that he managed to express, through the keys of an old manual typewriter.
Paul had to use his left hand to steady his right one to push a key.
He couldn't press two keys at the same time so kept the shift key locked and made his art using the symbols ! @ # $ % & * ( ) at the top of the numbers keys.
Over seventy years this patient and talented man created hundreds of pictures as over time his mastery of the typewriter grew.
He passed away in 2007 and left behind his art as an inspiration to all...


  1. How heartwarming & inspirational. I am sure he touched many lives & instilled hope in everyone with whom he came in contact. God rest his soul!
