Sunday, September 28, 2014

Why Would American Dave Rahimi Fly From California To Sydney Australia To Buy The Very First Apple iPhone6...

Why would American Dave Rahimi fly all the way from California to Sydney Australia to buy the very first iPhone6 other than Apple's Sydney store was, because of the time difference, the first store in the world to open it's doors?
And why would Moon Ray and her husband from Jackson Mississippi wait in line complete with solar chargers, thermal mats, inflatable chairs and mattresses and a membership of the local YMCA so they could have showers, for nineteen days to purchase the first iPhone6 from New York's Fifth Avenue Apple Store?
Five minutes of fame? Something to tell their grandchildren? To impress?
To define who they are as a person?
Who would know, but Apple sold ten million phones to their faithful worshipers in the first three days of the product launch...


  1. My cell phone only use voice, I had everything else turned off and it saved a lot of money. I don't text and I only have an old style flip phone, so don't need all the extras. Use my tablet and computer for the internet. We have a Verizon Hot Spot that we can carry with us (fits in my shirt pocket) so can have internet access anywhere there is cell phone service.

  2. They did it to be the owner of #1. Driven by genetic compulsion of survival of the fittest to prove themselves to be the best hunters in the tribe.

  3. Replies
    1. Exactly. And also, maybe they're just plain nuts!

    2. Willing victims I think. I don't get it myself.

  4. David had an overdue book at Sydney Library? It wouldn't have been because he's an attention seeking putz, would it?

  5. Homo consumerism (it's early morning, I can't think up a better word) at it's best. Same as homo "sapien" in the sense it's got two legs, only dumber if that's possible.

  6. There is something wrong with these people.


  7. I cannot help but think of how many starving people could have been fed or received medical care for the money these idiots pissed away! Who cares if they got the first of anything? Terrorist want to kill us, plagues are multiplying over the earth.....get a life, Numbskulls!

  8. I agree with all of you. Anonymous, I think it is this kind of crazy that makes the terrorists want to kill us.
