Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Dean Of Huston-Tillotson University In Texas, Professor Jeff Wilson, Is Happily Living In A 36 Sq Ft Dumpster Bin...

It's not the usual place you'd find a dean of a university faculty residing, but Professor Wilson who isn't your usual sort of dean, went to the dumpster, in Thoreau's words, not 'just because he wanted to live deliberately' but to show his students by example about the environmental impact of day to day life.
Sure, the dumpster doesn't have any bathroom or cooking facilities right now but it's still a great story, one that I think you'll enjoy.
About this man who is, in his own way,
and sharing it with others, walking the talk...


  1. Much better than many of the dumps I've seen people living in.

  2. Where is the air conditioning unit? This is Houston and it is still mighty hot and humid here.

  3. If there are no cooking facilities will he be fasting or ordering pizza etc. for home delivery? As for no bathroom, that one is difficult to even comprehend. It might work for a man but for women.........

  4. What an amazing fellow! He is reaching by example, the way kids learn. Kudos, Dean Wilson
