And also once upon the same time there was a little, wee, small, tiny Dub called Baby Dub, a middle sized Dub called Mama Dub and a great humungious big monster Dub called Papa Dub.
And one day the Dub family went for a drive in the country.
And Papa Dub, in his great big, humungious manly manner said 'Someone's been rubbadubbing in my Dub.'
And Mama Dub said, in her warm whispering womanly woice said 'Someone's been rubbadubbing in my Dub.'
And Baby Dub said in his suddenly husky manly voice said 'Someone's rubbadubbing in my Dub right now and I like it!'
And when last I heard, Goldilocks and Baby Dub were still happily rubbadubbing in their Dub.
Don't you just love stories with happy endings...