Thursday, November 29, 2012

This Elderly Chinese Couple Are Freedom Camping In The Middle Of The Motorway...

It wasn't always like this. Duck farmer Luo Baogen and his wife have been living in their house in China's city of Wenling in Zhejiang Province for a long time, and the authorities have built the motorway around the elderly couple's home.
Because they've had to.
It's not that Luo and his wife enjoy living in the fast lane, but they refuse to leave until the government pays them a more generous amount to move.
And the couple are within their rights under The Republic of China's new laws making it illegal to demolish a property without a mutual agreement.
Power to The Little People...
Update. December 1 at 7.45 pm.
The house has now been demolished after Luo and his wife agreed to a compensation offer of 260,000 yuan.
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  1. Yes indeed... Power to the little people. Not an easy thing to do in China.

  2. I like it. Of course they will have to be careful when stepping out the door. . .

  3. Brave people, but what an unpleasant place to live.

  4. I agree with Dizzy about safety but at the end of the day it's about choice and I guess they knew their rights and planned accordingly. Some cultures do consider the little people - not here though!..

  5. there seems not to be a lot of traffic for Chinese circumstances;-)

  6. this blog contains practically everything I dream of - Thank You!
