Sunday, July 8, 2012

Big Beautiful Bubbles By Bjoern Ewers...

Simple pleasures.
You remember how it's done.
Mix up some detergent in water and then blow the solution through some sort of simple hoop.
It can keep children of all ages happy for hours.
Berlin based photographer Bjoern Ewer's latest works involves a series of bubble photographs titled 'Orbital' that capture the hypnotizing whorls of colourful soapy film in contrast with a stark black background.
There's more beautiful bubbles over here...

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  1. Beautiful bubbles, the kids and I have been through a lot of detergent making them,and you are never too old to enjoy having fun .....

  2. Oohh. What fun and how clever to capture the elusive colours in a photo. I love them.

  3. They bring thoughts to me of large blown glass artworks. I wonder what the dimensions are......
