Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tonight Warkworth. Tomorrow The World...

Margaret and Brett who, like at least eight of the thirteen who make up 'The Mahuleles' had never played a musical instrument before picking up a Uke six months ago.
Here they tune up before last night's Charity Concert for Women's Refuge at Matakana's Ascension Vineyard.
They played their first gig to an enthusiastic audience of around 2oo who yelled for more, and in doing so, many of the group laid a lot of personal demons to rest.
Break a leg people...
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  1. Sounds like fun! Wish I was there..

  2. hey thanks for putting up such a neat photo of us doing our thing last night Keith. I love the way you capture the essence of things. If anyone ever asks you if you want to join a ukulele group then don't say matter how tone deaf and fumble fingered you might be

  3. The late great Dalvanius Maui Prime composed all his songs accompanied by a Uke, he reckoned it is the ideal instrument to sing along to.

  4. Thanks Keith for your kind words and photo - we have as much fun as it looks - a great bunch of uke players who have lots of other qualities as well - especially foodies!!!
