Friday, September 17, 2010

Beach Bounty...

But when I got there, the cupboard was bare.
No yummy crabs to feast on and certainly not any crayfish.
There's a gale warning in place as a monster low the size of Australia is approaching little New Zealand.
I've battened down the hatches as it were and water and firewood are in abundance.
There is always lots of good food in the pantry with fresh fruit and vegetables to last for some time.
So I guess even though this beach is on the East coast, it will be a while before it's this benign again.
But what treasures will be waiting...
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  1. Sure hope you weather the storm with no damage. Good time for a little fire and a good book. Or just let the wind rock you to sleep. Is it a cyclone or hurricane or whatever you call them down your way? Be safe.

  2. It could be media hype but I'll let you know after the event...
