Wednesday, June 2, 2010


"Lock the door and don't let me out till I've booked a passage to somewhere" she said to the travel agent. A few days later, Jacqueline Livingstone Seagull made her inaugural flight. She took off from London's Heathrow, landed in a place called India, bought a Royal Enfield motorbike and roamed the world.
We met some seven years later at Wenderholm, just north of Auckland when this mud splattered biker stopped next to my old Morris Commercial housetruck.
Taking her helmet off, shaking her beautiful blonde locks to her shoulders as you've seen in the movies, I was moved to ask her if she had a white dress and what plans she may have for Saturday...
She turned sixty recently and has just returned to England from a few months
touring around Morocco and Spain.
We Skype and meet for virtual coffee on Tuesdays, this week in Bristol
at Bordeaux Quay...
You can check out Jacqui's adventures at
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1 comment:

  1. How wonderful! I am happy just to be 3 degrees of separation form her.
