Saturday, August 22, 2015

Would You Go And Get Chipped...

More and more humans are getting 'chipped'.
They realise how wonderful life will be by having one simple tiny chip implant without having to carry around keys, credit cards, buying things in a store just by being there, doors opening automatically for them.
And when they get old, not needing to remember where they are. Or who they are...


  1. No thank you. I happen to enjoy being "lost" now and then.

  2. And just imagine how incredibly convenient it will be when someone decides they want you to be a non-person... just turn off your chip, and for all official purposes, you don't exist anymore....

  3. I will fight that chip with my dying breath!! Just means more government control and snooping.

  4. 20 years or so ago I read an article about a fad then fashionable in the US among a certain segment of young urbanites. Their dream and their goal was to go down to Mexico and get themselves lobotomized, which apparently some of them actually did. This craving to be chip-implanted strikes me as being an ambition of much the same order.


  5. Imagine how much easier it would be to manage a population if everyone was chipped?
    The things we do with technology!

  6. For now, the chip is an option for personal convenience of some kind. It doesn't take too much imagination to see a future where the Big Brother in charge could control your every step for his own manipulations. I see this chip as the easiest and cheapest prison.

  7. Oh yes and the stores will love it when you walk by them as they can target direct advertising to you just like Google and Yahoo do when you use their search engines :)

  8. That sort of things gives me the Willies! I fear that's likely to spread under the guise of convenience and become a tool of mass control. Hitler would have loved this.

  9. I really thought you were joking. Time to go farther into the woods.
