Rima Staines is a beautiful woman and a wonderfully talented artist.
We've never met
but I know these things to be true.
You've only to look at her blog,
The Hermitage, or read what she says about hers and her partners life in their housetruck to know I'm right.
There's a story of The Housebox House in
Lloyd Kahn's Tiny Home book and Rima's words have kept delighting me since the book was published many weeks ago.
I expect they might delight and inspire you too.
Here's some of them...
"The journey was both wonderful and hard.
They learned that life on the move was more raw and more real. They got to see people's prejudices up close.
Gathering the necessities of life such as water and firewood took up much of their days...
It was a tiny house indeed. The outdoors was also part of their home, which meant that their space shrank when it rained...
Bathing was done in front of the fire in a small tin bath they kept on a hook on the wall...
The wind rocked their house like they were at sea and the rain drummed up a delightful percussion on the roof...
Life on the move also gave them a sense of living in full colour. All their days were as vivid as the treasured memory of a favourite holiday. They learned to live a life without the grays, without the wishing for a 'one day' or an 'if only' sort of life.
They lived it in the minute and it was bright..."
Rima's full tale of life on the road is