New Zealand's Department of Conservation has embarked on a three year programme of improvements to the once beautiful campsite at Coromandel's Port Jackson and in doing so have taken stupidity, arrogance and disregard for what the camping public and overseas visitors want to new levels.
Not being content with putting in bollards and fences, interrupting a view where the flow between the beach and the land was as natural as night following day, having no regard that the sea was not in fact eroding into the land but it being the other way round, and that the trees planted here forty years ago right on the edge of the beach are now at least two metres back, and the land has extended itself into the seas domain has not deterred DoC's stupidity one iota.
Oh no, now they have etched ugly lines into the grass to contain campers in little box-like squares. All this so they, DoC can set up a computer programme for people to book campsites online which is completely unneccessary.
This camp, like so many others around the country is only full at Christmas and Easter and people know that it is simply first in, first served. The way it's always been and should always be.
Now, this extraordinarily anal government department who cannot think outside the square, seeks to place campers in little squares too.
How dare they, in this country of pioneers and lovers of the land, have the audacity to fence in the campers who come to enjoy the freedom of a place such as this. And expect them to conform to the ridiculous rules and impositions conjured up by bureaucratic bunglers.
I propose giving DoC a taste of their own medicine and prescribe a good healthy dose of 1080 for each and every DoC employee. I would be very happy to administer such a dose to rid my beautiful country of this invasive pest...