Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Silly Me...

This Lamborghini was parked
next to me yesterday.
Silly me, I nearly got into it by mistake.
Easy to do really because it and The Flying Tortoise are the same colour...
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  1. I can see how you were easily mistaken with trying to get in to the wrong vehicle - both being silver!

  2. Yes, that's what the policemen said when they came to arrest me for tampering with the vehicle after the sophisticated burglar alarm went off. Later the judge let me off with a warning as long as I saw an optician within 24 hours, had counselling and behaved myself...

  3. Yep, silver is your color. I can see how you made that simple error. . .

  4. Hey DD, do you think I should go for gold and be a winner. I'm fed with coming second...

  5. I blame it on the Queen, what man could be in his right mind after that heartfelt letter she sent you.

  6. Yes well she's started texting me now, trying to tempt me with a knighthood. Imagine it will you... Sir Flying Tortoise. I suppose it does have a nice sound to it though doesn't it...

  7. You could have the best of both worlds, since you thought about going gold vs silver. You could be The Golden Knight or Sir Golden Flying Tortoise. What ever you are, your OK in my book.

  8. The Flying Tortoise is by far the classier of the two.
