And Australians according to The Flying Tortoise are also one of the world's meanest, selfish, self serving, uncaring countries in the world.
Australia's immigration policy towards boat people is a disgrace.
Australians seem to have forgotten that many of their forefathers arrived from England as convicts in the holds of ships bringing them to the penal colonies to serve their time for their crimes, some of which were as petty as stealing a loaf of bread. And they themselves come from convict stock.
Shame on you Australia for showing little or no compassion to others who are seeking asylum and desperately trying to find a home away from the turmoil of their own worlds.
And in trying to hide your shame you find solace in humiliating and shaming others.
Disgraceful behaviour Australia.
The Flying Tortoise would like to see all the world's entertainers boycott the shameful country of Australia until they apply a more humanitarian and compassionate approach to immigration...

You notice that the U.S. doesn't even rank in the top 14 these days. That is because we basically have the immigration policy that you espouse. Austalia isn't mean; it's wise. Corruption and islam are the two main causes of illegal immigration. Those countries need to quite tolerating such corruption rather than impoverish the people who want to help them.
ReplyDeleteShameful. Just shameful. We are just sailing this little mud ball through space. A little compassion could go a long way to make the trip better for everyone.
ReplyDeleteMankind never learns a damn thing - makes one question the whole meaning of life!.
ReplyDeleteAs an Australian, I feel the shame. Our otherwise fine country has indeed become mean spirited, xenophobic, selfish and arrogant over recent years. However, there are still enough open minded and caring citizens of the world left here to give me hope that we might enlighten some of the small minded fools who have helped us into this situation.
ReplyDeleteI fancy that a lot of that wealth, as in the USA, is founded on unrepayable debt and is likely to turn to vapor sooner or later. According to what I've read online, the fiscally soundest nation in the world is actually Norway, whose national debt is *negative* 100 percent plus of GDP. Also their per capita income, though apparently lower than Australia's, is sure to be much more evenly distributed. Whereas I'll bet Australia, like the USA, tolerates much higher socioeconomic inequality than Norway does.
ReplyDeleteIf I lived in New Zealand, I'd be quite pleased that there's a continent between that small juicy not-very-populous country and 150 million or so desperate Indonesians.
You have a way of touching my feelings so precisely!
ReplyDeleteYes...kindness. Perhaps wisdom does not always appear kind.
ReplyDeleteHaving been an immigrant myself once I feel deeply sorry for those in desperate situations looking for a new start in life. Those countries or individuals who have the blessing of affluence should do their part in helping the less fortunate. We never know when that tide of wealth will change and we are at the other end of the stick. Then we will be grateful for a helping hand.
ReplyDeleteI agree with George--& had the USA been more like Australia, we wouldn't be in free fall now! The gov't there tolerates no disrespect of the Judeao-Christian faiths which Australia largely is, nor do their hospitals, employers & officials hire translators for the benefit of foreigners nor publish instructions or forms in any language other than English. If you go there, you will learn the language, & the country will welcome you if you choose to live by the standards that are in place---standards that the generations that came from the convicts--put in place. I have visited Australia many times & have dozens of friends there; they are welcoming & gracious, proud of their heritage & the kind of country they have built. Refugees will not rec'v handouts of food or housing or phones but will have to earn their lifestyle. Live by their country's policies or go back where you came from. I love Australians!
ReplyDeleteIt is true that there is a prevalent 1% in which most of that wealth is concentrated. It is the rich who control this country, as they do the US. We were lucky to have had a Labor Govt during the GFC and they kept us at the top of the charts with AAA credit ratings etc.
ReplyDeleteIt is also true that our immigration policies in recent years have been (and still are) disgraceful. It has been a fight to the bottom of the mean-ness barrel and the Liberal Party are winning.
The issues are complex and were very well summed up in Kevin Rudd's 2006 essay from The Monthly called Faith in Politics. However, after being voted in as PM, Rudd failed to follow through on his so-called high ideals. He capitulated to pressure from the Libs on asylum seekers and the Labor Govt (under Gillard) ended up excising Australia (all of it) from its own immigration zone, meaning that boats carrying refugees, even if they land in Australia, are not considered to have landed in Australia for the purposes of seeking asylum here.
Shame on our governments. I agree with you.
George Smythe What would Jesus do?
ReplyDeleteConvicts were sent to Australia and had no choice. The "Boat" people are trying to get in without going through he proper channels despite warnings that they will not be welcome, they still seem to try in the hope that some bleeding heart will feel sorry for them and allow them in Have a look at England and the problems they have with an apparent easy immigration policy How many Britain's have left to come to Australia or New Zealand because we respect those who are already here
ReplyDeleteAustralia's Prime Minister John Howard said it best: "Immigrants, not Australians, must adapt. I'm tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some ideology or culture. This culture has been developed over 2 centuries of struggle, trials & victories by men & women seeking freedom. We speak English, not Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Russian or any other. Therefore, if you wish to become a part of our society, learn the language! Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political position, but fact. Christian men & women founded this nation on Christian principles, & this is clearly documented.If God offends you, then I strongly suggest you select another part of the world as your new home because God is part of our culture. We will accept your beliefs & not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours & live in harmony & peaceful enjoyment with us. This is our country, our land & our lifestyle & we will allow you to enjoy it, but once you are through complaining , whining & griping about our flag, our pledge, our Christian beliefs or way of life, I highly encourage you to take advantage of one other great Australian freedom: The right to LEAVE!"
DeleteDo you know any word in the language of the Abo's??? No? Well, you have the right to leave
Interesting but what other things are weighed in on naming Australia the meanest country out there? http://www.21stcenturynews.com.au/taxi-drivers-son-worlds-15th-richest-person/
ReplyDeleteI wasn't referencing any other aspect of Australian life or political activity. Only their mean-spirited-holier-than-thou-attitude to people less fortunate and wishing to start a better life in a new country...