She was my first girlfriend. My first love.
It was a pretty serious relationship.
Obviously we would have been married if life hadn't intervened and we'd forgotten all about each other.
I hadn't seen her or known anything about her until a few days ago.
She'd been advised to look at The Flying Tortoise blog as she and her husband had just bought their first housetruck.
She emailed me.
You won't remember me I expect.
I was five or six and you were a couple of years older. Our mothers were good friends when we were children back in Eastbourne. Here's some photos of you and I at my parent's place in Totora Street.
Remember her! My first love!
As though it was yesterday...

A person's first love is very special.
ReplyDeleteThere is something really comforting when your childhood creeps up on you like that. Hope you catch up sometime with her in the housebus...
ReplyDeleteIt's nice that you could reconnect!
ReplyDeleteAww that is so sweet, I remember my first love too ( a huge scholgirl crush)...sadly I only worshipped and adored him from afar but I remember it so well. I hope you catch up sometime soon - that would be so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteThat is just lovely!
ReplyDeleteAwwwww, that's lovely. I also just reconnected with my best neighborhood friend from my childhood days who moved away when we both were five. That was 50 years ago, and boy has it been fun to catch up with each other!
ReplyDeleteAww Keith that's sweet and wonderful, my first love and I communicate almost daily as he's only 120 miles away. I'm going to see him when his common-law THING goes back to her job up North in the province.
ReplyDeletelove this
ReplyDeleteExcept that Keith cant do his math; I was 2 and a half, in 1951 when these photos were taken, do you mind! :)
And yes, I still remember him! Never forgotten him! And it was a wonderful surprise to find that well and fondly remembered face smiling back at me when I first came to The Flying Tortoise!
I'm sure Keith and we will find a way to meet - one day, when we get our truck on the road - actually, I reckon, even if we didn't make an arrangement to do so, I'm guessing we'd end up somewhere together. You know, serendipity and all that.
Hugs, Keith, old friend.
Two and a half?
DeleteYou were so grown up though.
So wise and gorgeous.
Such a woman of the world.
And almost a child bride...
You were so cute back then! Lol!
ReplyDeleteWell keith im glad i sent her to you to look at your fire.I knew you would guide her in the right direction.What a delightful ending
ReplyDeleteThanks Dyna...
DeleteTwo and a half. Yes.
ReplyDeleteBut gorgeous? And wise?
I expect the fact that I adored you and looked up to you (literally and figuratively) and thought you were the cleverest, funniest, kindest person in my toddler world who wasn't (even!) an adult may have coloured your judgement somewhat ... I'm not nearly so charming now.
Anyway, enough of this - it's great to be back in touch; thanks Dyna - and it's a happy beginning rather than a happy ending, perhaps.