Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Beautiful Elegant And Unusual Cars You've Probably Never Seen Before...

Lloyd's Blog featured a couple of these beautifully elegant cars from another age just recently.
I had to go here and look at the selection of over fifty of these cars that most of us have never seen. Unless we'd been at various Concours d' Elegance car shows around the world.
Beauty I know is in the eyes of the beholder but these interesting and unusual cars are the epitome of elegance...

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  1. But how can you carry a canoe on one of these? I have my priorities.

  2. Oh wow!....would they be just one of a kind?

  3. What can be said? The attraction for bulbous, enclosed fenders is an acquired taste. Apparently, Mike Leeds found it appealing when he designed and built the B-702, which is powered by a twelve-cylinder version of the same engine that is in my Housetruck.

    As for fanciers of red underpinnings, well, whole volumes of clinical psychology must have been written about those folk...

    1. Haha Mr Sharkey, I've read some of those volumes...

  4. Wow... They are beautiful. I'll have the red one (top pic).

  5. what is the name of these cars who made them
    must know .Pure genius.Unimaginable design savy.
