Saturday, March 26, 2011

Art To Sit On...

Last November you may remember I posted
'Art To Walk On', a wonderful floor made with the very creative use of mosaics at the Thames Trading Post.
Through the door to the adjoining shop called 4DeSoul, there's the owner, the very talented and imaginative Gaye Mitchell who as well as creating the floor and other mosaic masterpieces around the Coromandel, has just completed four months work on this amazing chair. The price is $NZ3,500.00
Using thousands of hand-cut pieces of mirror and some really gorgeous pieces of 'other' visually enhancing materials she has created this piece of Art to Sit On, which really is a reflection of her.
It's unique and beautiful...
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  1. It sure would reflect her. Wouldn't you get cut on the edges? I wouldn't want to slide my butt around on it too hard.

  2. The price doesn't include shipping DD but it might include medical insurance...
