Some views of the kitchen/galley areas on board TFT... a simple hand-pump controls the amount of water used, you are much more conservative with water when you are pumping by hand. TFT carries approximately 50litres for general use... more if we are in an area where water is known to be short.
I have 3 x 10 litre containers for carrying and this is decanted into a 20 litre container which is the main supply base... In twenty years of sailing and being on the road I have never had water tanks and never would... I'm not carrying all that extra weight (1 litre = 1 kilo) and I'm never carrying contaminated or water that isn't fresh.
The water containers sit under the sink area. To the left of the sink you will see some cane containers, they carry fruit and vegetables. The day by day pantry is to the left of that and then one of two wardrobes. Crockery etc sit on a shelf above the condiments and utensils.
The canter-levered cooking unit is another wonderful space saving device. Again made of aluminium in keeping with the bus, it's cooking top which houses a single cast iron double burner that does most of the cooking, can move in many directions... close to the food prep and dish washing area or further away to enable two people to work in the area at the same time.
Good food is a feature on board and it's surprising what you can do with a single burner. It's ideal for the tajine, the wok and the cast iron camp oven and of course the pressure cooker and a beautiful copper saucepan.
The highly efficient Engel top loading fridge/freezer can be seen forward of and between the two kitchen units. This world famous unit has only one moving part and is the most miserly fridge on the planet as far as energy usage is concerned. It uses only 2.5 amp hours maximum of precious 12v energy. It is used and abused (it gets rough treatment) in the Australian outback and has a great world-wide reputation. ( I have no shares in the company)
The camp oven is used for roasting chickens, baking bread and delicious wintertime stews and soups... and the smell as it sits on the firetop! Flatbreads are made in a frypan or directly on the top of the fireplace. Yummy!