This French tourist, one of three in this little Jucy rental van urinates for the world to see and doesn't give a damn.
Sure, peeing in public is not a hanging offence but this 'el cheapo' Jucy van doesn't have a toilet so it begs the question, where do these people shit?
When I spoke to him, I got the 'Sorry I no speak English' response but he made it clear that if it was good enough for the cows in the paddock over the way to shit where they liked, it was ok for him too.
I made it very clear using language he and his friends were bound to understand to go away, go home and don't come back.
I then contacted Jucy Rentals who have recently won an award for innovation in the tourist industry!
I did more than suggest they innovate a portable toilet in all of their hire vehicles.
Being part of a Freedom Camping Forum isn't good enough. Paying lip service isn't good enough. Put your money where your mouth is Jucy!
Freedom Camping, my lifestyle, the health, well being and beauty of New Zealand is at risk by these hire companies who pretend to care about the environment but care more about the dollar...