Saturday, May 22, 2010

Vintage Wood...

Being an oftimes wood collector and once upon a time building a shed especially devoted to accommodating my vast collection, squirreling if you like, as in hoarding one's nuts for winter. Each piece was treated as reverently as a wine connoisseur turns his bottles of vintage, and knowing as I do, your predilection for things of natural beauty, I just had to share this with you...
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  1. that's what they mean when they ask if you wood like a Woody...silly me, I thought it was some type of alcohol....On that note, I will log off.....

  2. I looked squirreling up on Google an I didn't see anything about wood.Now I'm really confused.

  3. I hope I may have clarified it for you Ted... google is sooooo silly sometimes...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
